US want to extradite UK citizen for *not* breaking the law!

In the end, we’ll all be victims of extreme lawmaking, lawmaking done to save us from terrorists.

US want to extradite UK citizen for *not* breaking the law!

by Martin X

This is one crazy story, but I swear it’s true – have a look at if you don’t believe me…
Basically, British citizen Richard O’Dwyer, who lives in Britain and hasn’t been to the US since a trip to Disneyworld when he was five, has been running a website where he provides links to various TV shows and movies. Remember that: he doesn’t host the video files himself, he merely provides links to other sites, which he has no connection with. He was arrested for this in the UK, but not taken to court because, basically, he has not broken the law in the UK, and any trials based on providing links have failed.
But that’s not good enough for the US government.


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