February 3rd, 1996 to 2013

My, how my life changed in twenty years.

That rock is the rock that Daniel, 3, picked up in the road and was carrying, following me walking the dog, Cosmo.  His sister, Violet, 9, and brother, Darrin, 6, has already ran ahead to the house.

And I looked back to check on Daniel.

And I saw Daniel throw that rock straight up into the air.

And that rock came straight down and hit him on top of his head.

And he cried… But he didn’t cry much.

And now I keep that rock in my closet, because I don’t have a trophy cabinet (yet) to put it in.

And Daniel asks to see that rock, almost every day.

And this morning he was having trouble pulling up his pants and he said, “I can’t do it!” and I said, “Remember the rock?  I’m getting the rock out!”

And I got the rock out.

And I showed Daniel the rock.

And he pulled up his pants.

And he was proud.

And I was proud.

And then I remembered that Stephanie told me to write Daniel’s name and the date on that rock after that happened…

And I see the date this morning..

And it’s February 3, 2013.

Twenty years before, on a Wednesday, at night, in a shopping center church, Cindy and Richard were married.

(That was me and Kristi.)


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