Julie! |
#1 – Finish this blog posting before 8am so I will be at work before Scott goes to lunch. This is a simple goal and the most difficult to achieve. Not that Scott goes to lunch early. I’m just ADD to the max, a lot.
#2 – Make an appointment with Dr. Zimmerman to discuss what medical science might be practiced in my head. Do not assume this means I’ll take any medication.
#3 – Unify my work into my own website(s) and stop blogging to Blogger. Or, use blogger as the primary “store” for my work and then feed it back into my own site that’s better organized with what I want to say and how I want people to be able to find it.
#4 – Start reading my own blog.
#5 – Do more to assist Lani Habrock of Three-Nine Media and Social Kangaroo. See: http://www.socialkangaroo.org/ and http://www.threeninemedia.com/. I’m insane (not) and she’s not (is).
#6 – Thank God more. He doesn’t care that this isn’t first on my list. He doesn’t care that I assume that. He just cares about everything else, everyone else, and He always helps… even when I choose to ignore that fact.
#7 – Stop saying, “It’s another Easter miracle!” People don’t know I’m making fun of myself… they might think I’m making fun of Jesus, or them, or both. When I said that about my air conditioner working on Easter without making a squealing noise, I WAS NOT KIDDING. To me, it was a miracle… and according to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, air conditioning comes before spiritual peace, therefore being cool comes before Knowing Cool, therefore great air conditioning is important to God.
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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow’s_hierarchy_of_needs |
I’m not crazy, but I play crazy on TV.
Update: 8:16am: I forgot to take a shower. Was wondering why my hair was so rockin’ (I LOVE MY HAIR BEFORE IT’S MANAGED…). Remedied the shower situation for the benefit of all womankind… BECAUSE THEY LOVE ME MORE WHEN I SMELL LIKE JOE. (whatever)
Update: 8:17am: Since I’ve started writing again:
Windowz: It’s over.
Kids thing: Create a distribution of Linux.
Joe: Brand everything with my name. Clearly state the purpose is to be the 50th President of the United States.
About becoming President:
My life doesn’t depend on it… My life depends on having a difficult goal and staying on that path.
I do not:
* Want to be President sometime.
* Want to be President now.
* Want to be the 49th or the 51st.
* Do not want to be President longer than 4 years.
* Will create better communication tool that organized my writing and publicly tracks amendments to those writings.
* Will change (consider? changing?) my registration from Republican to Independent. I don’t know. It seems wild to leave a party and not be able to participate in primaries. I cannot be a Democrat. Frankly, some people think they’re thinking Democratic when they’re really thinking Libertarian. Some Republicans thing they’re thinking Republican, but they’re thinking Libertarian. Not sure I can register as a Libertarian.
I wanted to be President as an Independent anyway… Again, not going to make decisions about me just to increase my odds of being President. Actually getting there doesn’t help me that much, and it doesn’t help you that much. Certainly not enough to sell my soul.
Ok. I’m clean. Leaving for work.
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