Joe Winett shared Dee Wiley-Dixon‘s status.
What you don’t know is that Dee skipped school the other day because it was going to be a 4 hour lecture on how to write a resume.
We spent the whole day together with her kids and Lillybug and it was fanstastimundo.
Oh heck…I forgot to mention….im up for a JOB!!!!!! Yeah that’s right a JOB in a PHARMACY!!!!…..ok scream for joy now plz 8-D. Its a small mom n pop place down the road but hey..ill get paid for clinical 🙂 my resume rocked, see I didn’t need them to teach me how to spin waitressing,hotel maid,mother or grunt work 😉 im celebrating by playing the Sims (yeah im addicted lmao) woohoo! Go me 🙂
JOE: GO YOU, INDEED. You have beautiful eyes and hands.
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Joe Winett If you want a personal letter of reference, I know I could write a good one. I won’t mention having been President 25 years from now.
Joe Winett About “having been President” (not necessarily writing this to Dee Wiley-Dixon): That future is there… depending on your perspective, it’s already been. Me getting this body to that future is simply a matter of walking to it. Whether or not you see that future depends on whether you walk to it with me.
Joe Winett I go back and forth on whether or not “God” sees everything from all times. It makes perfect sense that if God has always been and always will be, then He should exist in all times and at all places. But I firmly believe, as a human being, that the past is the past and the future hasn’t happened. You cannot actually move into the future any faster than everyone else, and I don’t think God can either, but God has a direct influence, as the source of all reality, on lots of things — except people. But God’s cat-bird seat, and the ability to speak to billions of human gut-parts, pretty much means that His kung fu is strong, even in the unbelievers (heck, he probably likes unbelievers a little more than the faithful, because they have balls to strike out on their own).
Joe Winett The voting system in the United States was specifically arranged so that God would have more influence in our elections. When you’re in the voting booth, alone, and you’re not sure, your guts make the decision… and your guys are always listening to God (you just think that voice is you).
Joe Winett So, a tiny bit of power was distributed to a large number of people, resulting in the ability for the One Person to actually make those decisions happen His way.
Joe Winett So, while God might not actually be remembering the future, He has enough SUCK to make about anything happen in a large election.
Joe Winett Why was Kennedy assassinated? He was martyred. It was a universal decision. Kennedy was in pain, anyway… He went home.
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