Oh my lord. Better legalize before 30% of the workforce moves to California. ahhahah
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Joe Winett Kids: Marijuana is illegal in Oklahoma because most of your elders don’t agree with this stuff (and they’ve had good reason). I don’t agree, but it’s the law.
Joe Winett Smoking would actually have helped me a lot over the past few years. Some people have decided become so comfortable with what they have that they become what society sometimes doesn’t like: Comfort. America has excelled during times of extreme discomfort, but no one suggests we relive the glory of the Big War years, do they?
Joe Winett I’m not against pot use… I wouldn’t be against it in my own life because I can now trust myself to do what’s right for me (because I see things so clearly, even when you think I’m not)… but I’m dedicated to following the laws… for a very good reason. Following laws is an investment in one day, perhaps, having a part in making laws (or getting rid of them).
Joe Winett I’m not a goody two shoes. I don’t speed very often because I don’t see the point. I’m not pathological about it… I just usually see the point in the speed limit… and going 45 in a 35 in Shawnee isn’t going to get me there much faster at all… OH I SHAVED OFF 10 SECONDS!!! SWEET. What am I going to do with those ten seconds?!?!?! CHECK MY HAIR!!!
Joe Winett Which is why I get a little defensive when it comes to time. While time isn’t my master, I’m not going to make someone else master over my time… the money sometimes isn’t worth it. I do show up on time, frequently, because that’s just polite.
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