It’s nearly impossible for me to remove myself from parts of this thinking.
Being President was my earliest desire, except for going to the moon, so it’s in there.
Without a doubt, being giving up the idea of being President is one of the things I’m expected to give up, but it keeps coming up.
I can see the path, it’s 20 years or longer, and it’s not impossible. The American people will vote for honest even if honest wants things for them they’d normally not vote for.
When you don’t trust any of them, then you vote for what you think they’ll do for you, and hope for the best. This is our system.
How did Reagan landslide? Surely we weren’t that monolithic in our thinking then.
A better way to help us in the long run is to provide better ways to educate children.
I’ve made a commitment to myself that my name and image won’t be used to educate children. Children become voters. I’m not suppose to be President. ‘Nuff said.
And we’ve reached a time when one person could participate in the educate of whole generations of voters. God bless the Internet.
What I’m concerned about is that someone who’s evil will stand before all the children. The only way to push out evil is to take that place.
I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I’m sure Joe Winett must not be President.
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