I’ve done a lot of thinking, learning, and choosing of this: I don’t want to be your bitch.
I don’t want to be famous. I cannot choose not to be famous, but you can choose not to help make me famous.
If you’re famous, a person of much influence over people you don’t personally know, then you can choose not to help make me so.
I don’t want to talk to you as you. If you’re a news person, a celebrity, or whatever, it’s much more likely, in fact almost guaranteed, that I will choose to ignore you if you contact me and identify yourself as you.
I am not star struck.
I will talk to Jennifer Aniston at anytime. I bet she never chooses to call me. But I’ll take that call.
I’m not really star struck about Jennifer Aniston. If you look back through this blog, you’ll see that I entertained a little crush on my idea of what she might be like, but I realized then and I still know that I don’t know what Jennifer Aniston is really like. And, I’m curious to know just how far off my image was from how she chooses to really be. I’m sure it’s closer than you think, but it’s still not correct. It can’t be. Can it? Don’t know. Can’t choose to know. And even if she calls, I still don’t know. Even if I see your CAT SCAN, I still don’t know. I choose to know what I choose to think after she tells me what she chooses to tell me, I think. I don’t know.
If you’re famous or a person of influence and you’re personally curious about me, then I’d suggest that you follow me on twitter or read this blog. Ask me whatever you want under a pseudonym — I mean, come on, that’s the only way you can be pretty sure I’m not trying to manipulate you.
If you think I don’t know who you are, then you can be pretty sure I’m not trying to use your influence and power to get me what’s coming to me. ๐
Peace is coming to me. This, I’ve chosen.
I suspect that there are powers outside the walls of my thinking cap, some quite powerful, unimaginably powerful, powerful only because of their massively superior imagination, and perspective, that will do anything to protect me and those I love.
Luckily, I love everyone, so it’s all GOOD.
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