Audio is much easier than this typing. But I love typing.
Typing gives you the opportunity to hone and craft and whittle and make everything just way you want it to be.
Then I decided that I just liked the look of the font on the screen.
The words were important but I just saw the pattern. It looked good.
I can decide to be a talking head radio head or bullet head.
David Byrne is not god and neither am I nor is He.
There’s no such thing as God.
There is not one authority deciding everything for whatever purpose or trying to manipulate you into being something or doing whatever.
We just want to feel good, look good, do good, be good.
That’s cool.
What’s good is a matter of the consciousness that’s evaluating ITSELF at that moment.
You don’t know whether anything but your own marble is good or not good.
You can like or not like anything you want.
You don’t know if I’m good or I’m bad.
You like me, and I love you.
This I know is true.
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