Weird Universal Stuff I Said on Twitter and Don’t Want to Forget I Said

I swear that one of life’s wisest is reflected in the airline warning: If the masks drop, put yours on first, then put one on your child.
I mean, if it comes down to you or your child, then you’re going to save your child…
..but so often people get zeroed in on helping other people and don’t take care of themselves, …
…so their whole life degrades over something that’s not life or death.
And, if you don’t put your mask on first, then you might not be able to get your kid’s mask on,
and then you’d possibly miss sharing a fiery crash with them.
Few people get to experience a fiery crash… makes you a celebrity of sorts in the afterlife.
“Did you experience the fiery crash??” “No, I was unconscious.” “Lame.”
Foreign spammer’s profile: “I’m having sex in the moon next summer” With James T. Kirk? KHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Funny, I’ll think I came up with some idea on my own and then listen to a song I haven’t heard for 15 years and realize I’d regurgitated it
So in that way our weak, working-space memories are a gift. Life would be pretty boring if you had to come up with truly unique ideas.
Otherwise, “Simpsons Did It,” would haunt us all, not just the South Park authors.
But they’re living on television, where every thought is recorded and cataloged.
But some ideas are so fantastic that we don’t care if they’re unique or not. I won’t enumerate them here, but will mention frozen burritos.
My life is better because the frozen burrito companies didn’t say, “been done.” Leaving us with only one choice of nukable awesomeness.
I sympathize with an artist or writer’s feeling that they don’t want to see much of others’ works, but the fact is that you’ve seen work..
So if you don’t continue to experience what others are thinking, then you’re just operating out of a small set of old ideas.
..but you’re definitely operating off others’ ideas…
And then, ever so infrequently, you do come up with something original. You can certainly say the same things in new ways.
Look at the most popular stories: They tell things we all already know, or all already want to believe.
The most basic story: “I’ll do almost anything to survive.” Very popular. Also, “I’ll do almost anything to get into her pants.”
I’m very happy that I unlearned the “I’ll do almost anything to get into her pants.” But, I stole some magic from myself.
I won’t say how or why I intentionally desensitized myself to the powers of the ladies.
Ok, I will say why… I guess because I’m a control freak. I didn’t like feeling that I couldn’t control my reactions, stop thinking, etc.
But then, I stole my own magical experience from me.
So now it’s a big deal if I run into some lady who causes me to actually flush, or stop thinking, or freeze in time.
Which did happen recently at the post office. I held the door for a 30-ish chick and sort of froze when I should have been talking.
So see, being able to talk might mean that you’re actually somewhat indifferent anyway, that the other person has been objectified.
But I was sort of hurt by Steam Rice. Oh my God, I was terrified of her.
But the thrill came when I ignored my fear and got a relationship going with her anyway.
But, my base instincts clouded my thinking and my powers of observation and it turned out I was being lied to about something important.
I’m the kind of person that you might as well not lie to, because if I don’t see it in your face, I’ll definitely put it together.
But, I was distracted by my fear. But, I think my subconscious protected me there. Hidden Joe was really running the show.
So, I was lied to, but something kept me from taking any steps that caused trouble for myself or others. Just some emotional pain for me
This lie was like SITCOM level. 
Here’s a hint someone is lying to you: They pick inappropriate moments and levels of detail to support the lie.
But if you’re in “I’ll do anything to get into her pants” mode and you’re just thrilled by every little thing she does…
“Oh my God, she’s so cute when she shops for clothes.” SUCKER
Life’s a battle between trusting your intuition and wondering if you’re just acting out of fear, shame, lust, or greed.
But the universal question is whether or not intuition is just the sum of all our past selves advising our present or whether external.
There is just one thing in the universe. It knows everything and by definition (since there is just one thing) we’re all it.
The idea that you can’t be in more than one place at a time or more than one person at a time is based on our experience of linear time.
But what if you went back into time constantly and lived a different life?
But you wouldn’t know who you are when you’re living the life… It’s a new life, it deserved to be its own.
But from the perspective of you in those lives, all these other people seem to be someone else.
But you’re constantly getting glimpses of yourself in the eyes of others.
Anyway, you never really cut the cord. Your earthly parents never do either. You’re expected to live your life, fend for yourself, but
But your earthly self, by design, is wrapped up in dealing with the moment. Present consciousness rules most decisions.
Communication outside of this bubble isn’t ruled by time and therefore language is unnecessary.
I mean, we use language to communicate ideas that are timeless, but we have to dole out the information in a way that we’ll notice…
…as time passes. So anyway, our consciousness outside the bubble, the version of us that knows all, seen all, will see all, is talking
but it doesn’t use language because language is a mechanism that’s only used inside the bubble, because of time.
So, it talks to your guts. What’s important is that you know the results, not how you came to it anyway.
So, people who seem to live on intuition can do VERY well in this life… They’re running on tracks we can’t see.
But, you really have to be able to examine your thinking to know from whence the feelings came.
And I think “from whence” is redundant, sorry. To know whence the feelings came
So you might ask yourself, do I like this person because we’re to be on the same cosmic track or do I just like the cut of her dress?
And do I like the cut of her dress because of it alone or because it reminds me of someone else, or something completely unrelated?
There is much more going on around here than is plainly obvious.
Outside of time, the consciousness we share already knows how everything turned out. When we’re making decisions, we can feel its guts
Its guts are reacting the same way your guts react when you remember something great or something terrible in the past.
You experience it again. And your guts talk to you when you’re facing a new situation.
I swear we’re experiencing impulses outside of our own earthly experiences though. It’s just hard to sort them out.
Many people who undertake the discipline of “giving everything to God” are really just trying to minimize the influence of their own ego.
And regardless of whether or not the person is also being used by other humans in the name of God, you’ll notice that those people do well.
If you’re not always standing in your own way, then sometimes you do something on an impulse that was actually fed to you by the all knowing
The all knowing doesn’t want to run your life. Your value is that you’re doing most things for your own reasons.
But, it’s going to experience that car wreck along with you, and it reacts to the situation that’s happened in a loop, for eternity.
And it hopes that today is the day that it’s nudged you enough over your lifetime to stop you from getting into the car.
Because then the whole story is better… it evolved… and we’re all one step closer to the perfect Groundhog Day.
So, there’s a hole in what I’ve typed. Without time there is no experience. Everything would just be.
So, it’s obvious that the First One experienced time otherwise nothing would change…
So, this theory is going to need a few more decades of thinking.
and the bummer of death would be getting all the questions answered too quickly
Thinking about movies. They could tell you in the first five minutes who did it and why, but that wouldn’t be any fun to watch.
And all this physical stuff is not a place at all. Oh, it is to US, because we need a setting.
The universe is so very huge and always expanding because we keep looking. We find evidence for a beginning because it logically must be.
Yet, this is story telling, unfolding before us. We need more to the story, so it’s created on the fly.
I can’t prove it, but of this I’m absolutely certain: There’s nobody else out there.
The pattern of the galaxies in the universe looks a lot like brain cell densities because that pattern was reproduced out of convenience.
Everything here is a reproduction of the same pattern.
So, are we living in The Matrix? Sort of, except there’s no “real world” out there.
The Matrix is the The One… The One doesn’t actually run around in The Matrix.
Universal truths are communicated to us through art… and there’s a perfectly good explanation.
Good artists are working from their guts and their guts are being massaged by The One.
Collaborative arts are usually the best sources of universal information because the effect of ego is distributed across many.
The dozens of people working on a movie are all doing it for their own reasons, but ALL THEIR GUTS are being massaged by the same person.
So, The One needs a guy in fifty years to get a hint, and a set designer in Hollywood picks out a clock because her guts tell her it’s cool.
In fifty years, the guy is watching the movie and is a little freaked out by the clock on the wall. Why is that sticker in the middle?
Why does it say 4:13… that’s an error. It can’t be 4:13 at this point in the movie. It’s an error. April 13th? My birthday?
Oh, that’s crazy. What’s she talking about?
But, everyone who came before must persist in The One… Suddenly The One is looking more like Us…
What humans do cannot be externally controlled by The One, that’s our value, that’s the why the system works like it does.
And human are born, so someone has to inhabit that body.
Get in line and ride again, or sit back and watch, and The One will make a new one.
So, you see there are holes in my story. I’m trying to think of it in a bunch of different ways and there are conflicts.
Creating a new soul is a delegation by The One to the new soul.
When this ride is over, you’re a person. You have the experience of one life… and The One has added that one life to its own experience.
The One delegated authority over an experience (and the joys of it) to you, but you lived it for The One’s continued entertainment.
But now you’re back and what you know is that one experience. If you ride again, then you’ll have two lifetimes of experience.
But one each trip, you wake up, you’re split. Now you’re the one (not capitalized) on the outside and one on the inside. You’re two.
So the original The One is yelling at you on the inside and your previous one is yelling, too.
Then your one on the inside dies and returns and it’s now a delegate from The One, from you, and to it. It’s a multilevel marketing scheme
Now you’re you and it and The One is all three of you. So, you retain some influence over everyone downstream.
So, some of us are direct delegates of very old souls, containing lots of downstream experience.
If the perfect storm comes up, and a delegate of an old soul also makes choices that end up leading him or her to trust her guts, then…
…then you end up with a sort of super person who can’t seem to ever do anything wrong… like the skies open up.
This is sort of a way of thinking about the story of Jesus, of course, looking at it inside and out…
(or inside-out)… There are people walking around who are direct delegates of the oldest soul.
There are people walking around who are delegates of a soul that just died.
And it would be to the benefit of the oldest soul to keep that working because you’re not very interesting if when you get back…
…that you actually receive a download of all the experiences The One has had. Oh, The One can tell you stories, but if you’re
…if you’re a duplicate then you’re not very interesting…
So you might think “THAT’S NOT FAIR” — some people are directly influenced by old souls and some by young ones…
except we’re all in the same game. The old souls are looking out for the young souls because they’re other delegates of us.
Old Souls walking around tend to help out the young souls… am I right? We all know these people… They warm our hearts sort of magically
They randomly help people and others are asking why and they don’t really know why… they just had a feeling…
And sometimes you meet up on earth with one of your siblings… you’re both delegates of the same soul…
Don’t worry, it’s not gross… We’re talking about asexual reproduction within delegated consciousness.
Sexual reproduction on Earth is here to throw in a randomness that makes everything more interesting.
“I get the next one!!” “Who will I be?” There’s no fricken tellin. You might be a guy, a chick, or a chick with a dick.
The earthly root of evil is appetite. You want more, so you do things to get more.
Some things that we might see as evil are due to the influence of factions of consciousness…
Twitter shut me down at that point, but I want to continue here on the blog so I can revisit this train of thought later.

So the real universe is actually just The One, the original consciousness.  

We’re all delegations in a line from The One.  We were created either by The One, or by a delegate, and, when we die, we’ll probably also get into the business of delegating our own consciousness for the reason of increasing our own pool of experiences and for increasing our influence over what’s happening Earth-side.

That was the whole point of The One creating the second of us.  Life was boring because there was only one.  It could think up whatever it wanted and experience whatever it wanted, but it was creating the situation from beginning to end.  It was just a story The One told itself.  Nothing exciting really happened.

So, The One created #2.  It told #2 a story, which it lived, but #2 came up with different ideas about how to proceed and so the story ended up in a way that was a little harder for The One to predict.  It was mildly more entertaining than telling stories to himself.

So, The One created lots more.  And each of those was empowered through delegation to create more of themselves and throw them into the story.

On Earth, we are most influenced from the outside by our immediate delegate.  That person is yelling most loudly at our guts.
Or, perhaps that person, our immediate spiritual father (male name chosen because I’m a male, not because that person was either male or female), is the only person yelling at our guts, but of course that person is listening most to their immediate spiritual father.  The line would go all the way back to The One, he (it) has the most influence over everything.
But I am assuming that outside our Earthly bonds that we’re not just alone with ourselves and our upstream delegates… We must have exposure to stories being told by others.
It would make sense that factions would assemble in the spiritual beyond because they all have irons in the Earthly fire.  They want their delegates to have good outcomes because it increases the quality of their own experiences over time.  
But, the nature of the game on Earth is about resources.
The most valuable resource is time.  Time cannot be made.  Time cannot be mined.  
Time cannot actually be given to someone for their own use…   For instance, you can’t give someone a year of your life so that they can do two years of stuff while the Earth goes around the sun once.  Your year is your year, period.
Well, sort of.  Your year is also your spiritual father’s year and the year of every delegate all the way back up the line.
Everyone in your lineage wants your year to be awesome.
But, we have other limited resources on Earth.  Our animal selves feel the need to get stuff and keep stuff (they do have that need).   
In the United States we’ve come up with a terrific way for people to get access to stuff and spread around stuff.  It’s not as fair (of an outcome) as putting everything into a pile and splitting it up, and it’s a lot less boring.  Frankly, it’s more fair than splitting everything up… Ok, I won’t get into that…
ANYWAY, there’s only so much stuff.  We want our delegates to do certain things with their time and they need resources to get stuff done — this is true of everything that we want to get stuff done that involves other people.
We can do amazing things in our own minds, but that doesn’t influence others — it doesn’t improve the overall experience of The One.  If we want to communicate with others, then we have to invest resources, time, gas money, stamps, food to eat while we’re on the train, etc.
So, there are factions.  
Some in the spiritual world think some things are fun and some think other things are fun.  They break down into factions of lines.  There would be some crossing over because we all have different interpretations of what is important — and those interpretations are a little different than those of our spiritual father, his father, all the way back to The One.
And that’s our value — we interpret things differently because we’ve lived different lives as have those that came after us.
So, sometimes, people are nudged to do things that might seem evil to others because it’s a matter of the distribution of resources.  And sometimes very violent or horrible things are done to make it happen.
It would also make sense that some lines would end up with evil and twisted thinking because of chance and prejudice of the line.
Evil would then be like a storm — or like a thought disease.  It would take time to heal with influence from The One on down, but everyone above you also has a vested interest in the entertainment of it all.

If one of your dirty little progeny pushes a couple of people down, but those weren’t your people… and since life on Earth is nothing but story telling (even though we find it quite traumatic while we’re here)… then you can probably see how a delegate might actually nudge people to take what they want sometimes.

I would imagine that this mostly happens with young souls… immediate returns who have just delegated for their first few times.  Perhaps they lived a life that was terrible and hard and they didn’t have much… and now they’re in the game from the cat bird seat so they want their little ones to get themselves some gusto.

From time to time I’ve tried to adjust my thinking about this to include the possibility of dualistic good and evil, God and Satan if you like.  The story would have to go like this:  That a delegate a long time ago went somewhat wrong, or was humored for whatever reason, and was allowed to get a little off into an unbeaten track.  And, over time, that delegate got more and more influence and to this day is the primary source of wide-spread evil.

It would make sense that The One caught on and adjust further delegation to keep things in the positive for its own experience, but that it (he) is unwilling or unable to completely wipe out the influence of that early delegate….  The One might be unwilling because a good story usually has bad guys in it.

When kids are pretending, they play out stories.  There has to be conflict.  Some kids are the police and some are the bank robbers.  It makes sense that The One lets factions continue because it’s a better story for everyone.  It’s awful for those of us on Earth who are the victims, but you know a lot of victim stories end in triumph, too.


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