Project Elbow: Using the Adobe AIR SQLite Database

Much happy face this morning.

Yesterday I worked from like 1:30am ’till 5 on trying to store the media files downloaded from the Elbow service provider in the SQLite database provided by the Adobe AIR platform.  In my mind, this was a better alternative than caching the file on the PC’s file system, but I had one problem and there were two drawbacks:

Problem: I could store the ByteArray in the database, but when I retrieved it, it always had either 5 or 10 extra bytes, and the Loader class refused to load the bytes, saying it didn’t know what the file type was.  I’m sure I could have tracked that problem down, but I got tired, went to work, and at work thought of these drawbacks:

Drawback 1: Saving a bunch of binary data in the SQLite database is slower than just saving them to disk.

Drawback 2: If the database gets corrupted then cache is gone and that just sounds messy.

So, I decided that I would keep a list of files along with their lengths, use counts, and last times accessed so that a process can prune back the least recently used (with weight on infrequently used and size).

If you’re using the, SQLStatement, et al and interested in what seems to be a pretty good way to put your SQL handling into one central place, then you’ll probably be considering using a static class or singleton implementation.

I’ve decided to just post the source to mine as it is right now.  I hope it helps!

In the invoke process for the application, I call SQLManager.init();

To touch a cache entry, I just call SQLManager.execCacheTouch(id);

It’s all static, so the FileLoader class doesn’t need to know where it is or really what it does.  I also decided not to refer to or in the FileLoader class.  It just passes a function to the select statement.

package elbow.common 
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
import flash.filesystem.File;

* ...
* @author Joe Winett
public class SQLManager
protected static var sqlConn:SQLConnection;
protected static var sqlErrorMessage:String = null;

protected static var stmtCacheInsert:SQLStatement = null;
protected static var stmtCacheSelect:SQLStatement = null;
protected static var stmtCacheTouch:SQLStatement = null;

public static function init(): void

sqlConn = new SQLConnection();

sqlConn.addEventListener( SQLEvent.OPEN, onSqlOpen );
sqlConn.addEventListener( SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, onSqlOpen );

var sqlFile:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath( "KidsElbowRoom.db" );
sqlConn.openAsync( sqlFile );


protected static function onSqlOpen( event:Event ):void
var sql:SQLConnection = as SQLConnection;

if ( event.type == SQLErrorEvent.ERROR )
sqlErrorMessage = "Unable to open SQL Database: " + event.toString();
trace( sqlErrorMessage );
else if ( event.type == SQLEvent.OPEN )
trace( "SQL Open: CacheSize " + sql.cacheSize + " PageSize " + sql.pageSize + " AutoCompact " + sql.autoCompact );

var createStatement:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
createStatement.sqlConnection = sql;

createStatement.text = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cache ( id STRING PRIMARY KEY, useLast DATE, useCount INT, md5 STRING, mime STRING, length UINT )";

createStatement.addEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, onSqlError );



protected static function onSqlError( event:Event ):void
sqlErrorMessage = ( event as SQLErrorEvent ).error.toString() + " " +;
trace( sqlErrorMessage );

public static function makeStatement( text:String ) : SQLStatement
var stmt:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
stmt.sqlConnection = sqlConn;
stmt.text = text;
stmt.addEventListener( SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, onSqlError );
return stmt;

public static function execCacheInsert( id:FileId, md5:FileMD5, mime:String, length:uint ) : void
if ( stmtCacheInsert == null )
stmtCacheInsert = makeStatement( "REPLACE INTO cache( id, useLast, useCount, mime, md5, length ) VALUES ( :id, :now, 1, :mime, :md5, :length )" );

stmtCacheInsert.parameters[":id"] =;
stmtCacheInsert.parameters[":now"] = new Date();
stmtCacheInsert.parameters[":md5"] = md5.md5;
stmtCacheInsert.parameters[":mime"] = mime;
stmtCacheInsert.parameters[":length"] = length;


public static function execCacheSelect( id:FileId, funcData:Function ): void
var funcResult:Function = function( result:SQLResult ): void

if ( stmtCacheSelect == null )
stmtCacheSelect = makeStatement( "SELECT * FROM cache WHERE id = :id" );

stmtCacheSelect.parameters[":id"] =;
stmtCacheSelect.execute( -1, new Responder( funcResult ) );

public static function execCacheTouch( id:FileId ): void
if ( stmtCacheTouch == null )
stmtCacheTouch = makeStatement( "UPDATE cache SET useLast = :now, useCount = useCount + 1 WHERE id = :id" );

stmtCacheTouch.parameters[":id"] =;
stmtCacheTouch.parameters[":now"] = new Date();





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