This isn’t going to work out because I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.

(a) I can’t tell a potential employer that I would be an asset to their organization.  The reality is that my throughput is below average and will come at the cost of some pain in their ass.

(b) I’m just not up to stealing for a living.

(c) My alchemy project has yet to turn lead into gold.

This isn’t going to work out because I’m sick of trying to get anything to work out.  It got old.

The story will end the same way no matter when it does, so I don’t see the point in enjoying another couple of batches of macaroni and cheese before then.

I know you enjoy life or if you don’t that you’re willing to sacrifice for others, but I’m no longer amazed by anything, or enjoy anything, or want to do anything.

I cannot answer the question, “What do you want?”

If I want nothing, then I’m the richest man on Earth, I guess.

No reason to continue…


9 responses to “Not”

  1. I also don't understand why I would want to get out of the "computer space" (whatever)… Gee, I'd much rather do something I don't like to do… perhaps mowing lawns or something. That makes perfect sense.

  2. Oh, I love it. "Take your meds! Take your meds!!" Meds DON'T WORK FOR ME.

    I love this too: "You want your kids to learn they can just give up?" Well, obviously, I think it's dandy to give up… why wouldn't I want them to know that? If they don't want to live life then, BY GOD, they should know it's okay to give up. The universe will be fine without them and they without the Universe.

    The only comment which makes sense is that I may like living like this… Actually, I don't, but I haven't been able to kill myself. I think that's because I haven't been miserable enough.

  3. Anonymous Avatar

    Get out of the computer space – find something else to do in this world. It's full of great things, great people, fantastic stuff to do and a whole bunch of conquests.

    Everyone who reads your blog are people that care about you, but you need to snap into reality and stop acting like such a fool. You like living like this or you wouldn't keep going through this.

    I personally hope you can pull yourself out of this and enjoy life. Get help for your bi-polar disorder and you might find life a bit less dark.

    I have similar problems so I'm not talking out of my ass. Good luck Joe and GOD bless you!

  4. Anonymous Avatar

    Joe, Seek GOD. I'm sure you have heard this before. GOD gives purpose and solves that "empty" feeling that people have when they don't have GOD in their lives.

  5. Anonymous Avatar

    Joe, why do you live in pain? Take your meds, getting high on cough syrup or beer is not the answer. If you want to stop hurting, take medication. if your out you can probably get help.

  6. Stephanie Philbrick Avatar
    Stephanie Philbrick

    There is a reason to be here, learn , love, hurt, experience and teach. We are not here to promote ourselves, very selfish to think that because life does not cater to you that there is no reason to live it. Other people have a hard time it's part of life. The Lord made no promises that you will not hurt or lose people. He did say that if we turn to him he will give us strength and help bring peace in our heart.

    I want to ask you, What happens when your kids grow up and have troubles of their own? Do you really want to teach them it's ok to give up? Teach then there is no reason to go on and they should just quit? Teach them their kids are not important to them because life doesn't make sense? Their life has no purpose?

    They will hunt for you when they are old enough to and what will they find? Keep in mind What they find is up to you. What you do will directly affect them. What you teach them is up to you.

    Children who lose a parent to suicide are three times more likely to commit suicide than those with living parents and The study, led by the Johns Hopkins Children's Centre, also found those children almost twice as likely to be hospitalized for depression.

    I have seen countless pictures of your babies. They are amazing. So Why is quitting even an option ?????????????

  7. Anonymous: No, I haven't done everything on the Earth. There's just nothing I want to do.

    Sunspun: I don't believe in 42, anymore. That was DXM talking — making up bullshit just to make life worth living or to fool myself into thinking there was some reason to be here.

    I'm impressed by you people who are able to keep yourself going so that you can enjoy whatever this weekend, or next year, or when you retire… whatever, whenever…

    It doesn't make any sense.

  8. sunspun Avatar

    Don't forget, it's your 42nd year, right? And a lot left of it still. Something about that number 42…

  9. Anonymous Avatar

    Yes stuff gets old, but you mean to tell me you have done everything there is to do on this earth? I haven't even played Quake Live with you yet! I know it cannot possibly be easy being where you are right now after having gone through it all again recently but your kids are waiting to see you someday and so are your friends.

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