The Problem With This Blog

The problem with this blog is that I wrote it under my own name… people who know me read it.

So, there’s no longer complete honesty here.

I’ve definitely got that same feeling a school kid gets towards the end of summer, when all the back-to-school sales start.

I sincerely don’t see me living a productive life in the near or long term.  It’s just not me.

And I definitely am not going back to being homeless.

And no, I’m not going to dig ditches, or live a life of crime.

I’ve pretty much run out of options.


16 responses to “The Problem With This Blog”

  1. I am a firm believer in the just when you give up things come to you rule. I think this is because you are more open to possibilities you may not have been before. Maybe it is because sometimes people look too hard and wind up missing something smaller that may in the long run be a big thing. I hope something good comes your way! What is your definition of productive? I.E. what is it you need to feel productive?

  2. sunspun Avatar

    That's not very many options you've mentioned there, is it? In fact, I think that was … four. 4. Four? Only 4 options? I bet I can think of at least one more. Maybe 2. Or even 3. So, no, I disagree, I don't think you've yet run out… so now what?

  3. Hi, I'm glad you're still around!

  4. sunspun Avatar


    I tried to ignore it, but just couldn't let it go… 🙂

  5. I'm pleasantly confused by that comment.

  6. sunspun Avatar


  7. sunspun Avatar

    That is defnitely Sun spun. As in See Sun. See Sun spin. Spin, Sun, spin! Sun spun.

  8. Is that Sun Spun or Sun's Pun?

  9. sunspun Avatar

    Actually, it SAYS sunspun said that, but I didn't really. I just said your blog said that. All that above. Got that error twice. But not the 3rd try. And so you should probably ignore it. Like I should've done. >;-)

  10. Dear Blogger, Please call your masters at Google and tell them bX-xc0en9 is broken.

  11. sunspun Avatar

    We're sorry, but we were unable to complete your request.

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  12. sunspun Avatar

    Hm. Somebody should fix that. Is Google under warranty?

  13. I guess Google is broken.

  14. sunspun Avatar

    How come I get "no results" no matter what I search for on your blog, Joe?

  15. I thought you went into bank robery or something? So your not REALY on the lamb. That's good, it's hard to find a bathroom when you're on the lamb.

    Joe, for the last few years that we've been friends (other then casual, just knowing each other), you've been living like this. Success, get restless or upset, panic, self destructive, then remorse. There's a pattern here. I think you just like living like this, or you wouldn't do it.

    It sounds like a big adventure to me (other then being broke). Sounds like you get restless/board a lot.

    After all a man has to have a hobbie…

    I just do a sabbatical every 5 years and go insane. Less wear and taar on my friends.

    Multi personalities is a great thing, you will never get lonely – enjoy your neuroses.

    You still complete me.

  16. It's probably true that as long as a person is breathing, that person has options.

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