Stranded, Sort Of

I’m currently far from Shawnee.

I spent seven hours in a car this morning watching someone else sleep.  Actually, the time was broken up by moving from one place to another to avoid being noticed, much.  The passenger side window by me is missing thanks to a thief.  It did rain some… on me.  ๐Ÿ™‚

Unfortunately, when we stopped at the last place, it was morning, but it was dark enough to require headlights.  The lights were still “on” when we tried to leave.

Jumper cables?  No.

We found some help and are now hiding out at an undisclosed location without the owners’ knowledge.  It sounds more dramatic than it is.

The undisclosed location has a battery charger.

I have $0.37 to my name.  My own car is 12 miles away from me now.  It only has a couple of gallons of gas — only a fraction of what it would require to drive to my apartment in Shawnee.

The car my partner and I arrived in does not have enough has to drive to my car anyway.

Unfortunately, I left town with only one extra shirt, pair of undies, and socks.  They’re in my backpack in my car along with my toothbrush and other things.

The title for my car is in my car.

I’m considering selling the car here and then let a casino enjoy the 99% possibility that they’ll keep the money.

Yes, I’m willing to bet my life on a really tiny chance like that.


2 responses to “Stranded, Sort Of”

  1. Can I have some of the bounty? I'm really more messed up then you, but what are friends for ๐Ÿ™‚

    You still complete me..

  2. who's your "partner". why are you hiding out? Why would you risk gambling your car? Sounds kind of self destructive. see I said there would be questions at 11.

    So I still don't get what's going on? Best I can figure you've robed a bank (politely), or you got upset about something and trying to destroy yourself in self pity.

    I'm betting on the bank robbery thing.. How much did you get?

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