Empty Set

In math, an “empty set” is a set of numbers that contains no numbers.  It could be thought of as a place where you could put numbers, if you had some.

I just deleted the story I was telling.

Strangely, I wrote the title and the first paragraph, intending not to tell a story, but started to tell a story, then rewrote it a bit, and then deleted it because I remembered why I don’t want to tell any more stories about me.

Here is where a writer might hint at the reason, at least.  Vonnegut would probably just tell you right out in one sentence or less.

Hi ho.

Can you believe this blog posting took more than an hour to write?


2 responses to “Empty Set”

  1. I'm sure someplace is open that early, but I'm not in Shawnee at the moment and I may not return.

  2. Shawnee Linda Avatar
    Shawnee Linda

    I was up at the same time. We should meet for coffee…that is, if there is anyplace in town open for coffee at 3:00 a.m. in the morning.

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