I saw Karate Kid. It was great.
Of course the movie has the messages you would expect: Prepare, don’t be scared; never give up; trust old men who know how to fight.
The other message was all about the Chinese.
Someone thinks you need to know about the Chinese. There are good Chinese, there are bad Chinese. The Chinese have things to teach us and the Chinese have obviously learned from us.
Do not fear the Chinese.
One day the Chinese are going to refuse to continue to loan us money if we continue to use it as we do. This is going to upset a lot of people. They’ll think the Chinese are trying to manipulate us into socialism or, God forbid, being godless communists.
Fine. Stop borrowing money.
Don’t fear the Chinese.
[Editor’s note (heh, like I have an editor): Captain’s Log: Dear Diary: I put the Chinese flag in so you could see the stars. Then I felt weird having the Chinese flag on here without an American flag first. This picture to the right was taken at the cemetery my family owned. That Shrine of Freedom you see was the brainchild of my grandfather! I’m so proud of it and of him. You can see all the pictures I took that day here.
I do love Chinese people. I think we have some things to learn from them. They’re going to make excellent friends. But, take notice that I think our flag is prettier.]
The movie has lots of scenes where there are icons of the Chinese government… There’s a lot of red. Images of Mao can be seen on walls. Little Mr. Smith wears a t-shirt with a 5-point star on it – a symbol of socialism.
The kids take a field trip to the Forbidden City. Letting people see what was once forbidden to see by anyone not invited by the Emperor is the Chinese government’s way of sticking it to the man.
The Chinese revolution was about tearing down rich landowners. We’re a country of rich landowners.
Eventually, you’re going to see those rich landowners doing everything they can to vilify the Chinese — the Red Chinese. Right now they are required to smile because they want to continue borrowing money from the Chinese so you can have what you want and don’t go pulling them out of their rich landowner mansions and putting them in common, steel chains.
Don’t worry. China isn’t all red.
Anyway, it looks like the battle over cigarettes is playing out in my subconscious.
I keep losing lighters. I just took a trip to the store and lost a lighter between my bedroom and the car. I know I picked it up, but when I got back it was on my plastic “nightstand.”
Sunday I was on the way to see Karate Kid and stopped for cigarettes. I had a nice time smoking one outside and talking to people. I gave a cigarette to a guy who was filling his bicycle tire with air. I discussed with a guy that his t-shirt matched his truck. I had a good time.
I saw the movie.
When the movie was over, walking to the car, I put my hand in my pocket and found there were two packs of cigarettes. The open box was nearly full.
I lost the lighter I was calling “black, like death” in my car and when I was searching for it, I found a red lighter I named “red, like life.”
“Black, light death” showed up a couple of days later, but now it’s missing again.
This lighter thing is weird because I never lose things. At least, I used to never lose things.
I lost the $140 #2 and I had put aside to pay the pastor who hitched us up.
The pastor still performed the ceremony. I had to pay him a week afterward.
When #1 and I got married, it was only $40. What a bargain.
My marriage to #2 lasted about 30 days, then she left for another state.
My marriage to #1 lasted about 12 years, but the last year was spent apart.
I miss them both, but I know #1 is okay, I have no idea about #2. I fear she went back to using drugs and doesn’t want to tell me. Perhaps she’s rehookedup. That’s would be much cooler than drugs.
#2: Green is good, white is bad. I love you no matter what you do. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE eat a sandwich every day… Please… Really. Don’t die yet.
For months at a time, I would force us to eat something. We usually shared a baloney sandwich and a single rice crispy treat. My normal weight is 170-175. When #1 and I broke up, I decided to live on steak. I got up to 200. My weight was about 135 a year later. I went from 170 to 135 in like one month. Don’t you do it.
I’m very lonely.
I’m very sad.
I know that no level of success will change that.
I need to learn not to be sad before I take care of the loneliness.
If I use company to feel better then I just feel better… I’m not actually better.
If I use success to distract myself, then the same thing is true.
And what happens when I accomplish some of the things I want to accomplish and I still feel bad?
Some may wonder why I tell you all these things about myself especially if I want to be President.
Well, it goes like this: I only want to be President if I’m supposed to be President. There’s no way I’m going to change myself into the common denominator, into someone for whom an expert or pollster tells me America is looking to elect.
The chance is tiny, tiny anyway… divide that chance by the specific nature and size of my personality and you’re talking about one in a million chances… I’ll only be elected if I’m truly the right guy at the right time.
BUT, that doesn’t mean I’m not going to run. I think being able to lead people to ask the right questions of the top candidates would be a great accomplishment. It would be an honor if members of the press asked those candidates to respond to some idea I’ve passed along.
The most damning things about me (pun intended) have been said on this blog.
My loneliness is directly rooted in being, I think, somewhat unique.
If the things you read about me on this blog were true of you, how would you feel?
You might want to read this book, Illusions, and then my posting again called My Prophecy.
I’ll be killed by someone I don’t know, but who is a friend. His entire history will point to radicalism and will explain his actions as someone who hated people like me and acted on it.
You have friends in high places. They inhabit their bodies from time to time and direct the animal-influenced self to do something right.
You should consider that I make up things about myself based on the things I read and what I see in movies, and that I now think they refer to me because I don’t remember how they changed my thinking.
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