I thought I would put this prophecy into text again.
My careers will take off. I will become very well known. I will continue to say what I have to say about religion as a power structure and continue to advocate that people take matters into their own brains and think about God directly. I will suggest that people get information from anywhere they like, be led by whatever, God, and to be very critical of those who want them to join in their organization.
I think the peace of the world depends on human beings stopping this pissing match between religions and the best way to do that is to turn away from religion and towards teachings in our quest to find our own comfortable notion about Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Good 42 to you.
More: Some people in the Christian power structure will be threatened as they see their revenues impacted by this new movement to God.
They are actually being shut down by God, but they will see me as a blasphemer and a radical.
While they would never sanction it, they will subconsciously communicate to their followers that people like me are the problem.
A small group will take matters into their own hands and I will be killed on May 28th, 2023 (just before my 55th birthday) while walking to the Kansas City airport. I will be shot 3 times with a large caliber hand gun. A man in his late 20’s will be apprehended two months later and convicted, although he wasn’t the shooter. The shooter will never be busted.
My death will mark the day when the tide turned against Christianity as a government and people will then truly see religious structures in a more critical light.
This will not be the end of those institutions. They will feel the pressure of billions of critical eyes, watching their every move, and questioning their every motive. Eventually these organizations will be reformed into a more democratic system, where the power of the Church is not concentrated in a few, or in one man.
Did I dis the Pope? Am I all anti-Catholic now?
It’s not just Catholics.
It’s not just Christians.
You don’t need to jump ship, just think about things.
God bless!
If you noticed that I changed the graphic and are wondering why: The other one was too gay. Before you get upset at my use of the word “gay” here, let me comfort you by writing that I literally mean the image was too gay. And what do I mean by,”too gay?” I mean, more gay than I want to project.
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