The Universe isn’t digital, really.
Well, wait, you either are or you are not. Yes or no. Come or go.
On or off.
Digital means on or off. To be digitized is to be turned into a stream of ons and offs.
The Universe feels.
The Universe feels the vibrations on strings of energy which manifest themselves as particles that clump into atoms.
Atoms make up matter.
You matter.
See the correlation?
There is a universal pole of Love, like a magnetic pole, I feel it. I know it’s there. When I reach out to it, I feel warm.
The pole of Love.
I stick to it.
People have their own love poles and when they walk around, others sense it and are attracted, and hang around and feed from it, passing the love on.
It’s a love circuit.
Here is a truth: If you love, then you are loved.
Love is a system, like a circuit, a function, a pump, a spark gap, or lightning — there is a potential for transfer from the source, but you have to give a little to get the love flowing, to prime the pump.
There is One pole of love on the planet.
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