This guy to the left is one of my favorite people. He’s still out there, you know.
One of my favorite activities is to decide what I would say to guys like this if they were suddenly transported to the future.
This begs the question, did I come up with that idea or was it suggested to me by Bill and/or Ted?
Changing the subject: This blog has been an excellent experiment, but it’s not structured to ever actually get a lot of readership. It fails in every comparison to a professional blog.
Number one, it’s not organized. Number two, it’s not about anything except me, and let’s face it, I’m a freak, so it’s freakishly disorganized. This blog is about nothing really.
I noticed this mess when I spent between 1:00am and 2:30am this morning trying to put keywords on each posting.
So, I fall into the category of novelties, loved by a few but generally left sitting on the shelf between the Dinosour Eggs and the wax lips.

So, here I go coming up with an explanation to justify my existence: I live more than you do because I shift states more often and with greater highs and lows. I’m the next step in evolution. One day all humans will be freaks and have disorganized blogs.
And, yet another subject: You’re not going to see me married to lots of women, most likely no women, but you can’t tell me who I can love. I have noticed that some women really, really want you to only love them. I can understand wanting to be someone’s great true love. I can understand how that plays a role in protecting children and families.
God loves you in a special way, yet God loves everyone.
Are you jealous of everyone else?
Do you reject God because he loves that bitch??
I’m I saying I’m God again. I’m not God. Goodness!
God would be a term applied to the sum total of everything living outside of the physical universe. Only that which can be called God knows everything.
I’m Joseph Michael Winett. I only know most things.
Oh, I am truly a professional bullshit artist. Oh wait, I don’t get paid. No one will even buy my rockin’ bumper sticker.
I need to make a porn bumper sticker — you too can have a money shot on your bumper.
I’m too tired to talk about Is, or tell you the truth you don’t want to hear. That’s cool. It’s easier to talk about God. I love God. People are mostly prepared to think about God. They generally don’t freak out, even if they don’t believe in God, if you mention God.
Me calling scientists fools isn’t going to play well in the papers.
There’s really no point in discussing it.
Getting the truth out is completely unnecessary. Thanks to the invention of fiction, people can be led to think about things in such a way that they come to a conclusion, any conclusion, that will free their mind and help them to realize that they may have anything they want from this life, as long as they don’t want to steal it from their neighbor.
You actually can steal whatever you want from your neighbor. There’s really nothing stopping you except the consequence of getting caught.
OH! OH! But what about sin?
One of the doctrines of the Salvation Army is that they believe in the eternal punishment of the wicked. I just couldn’t repeat this one. I like the Salvation Army, but this just isn’t true.
People need there to be justice. I understand. And there is justice of sorts. When people die and then see everything and they see what they did and they see the effects, then they will punish themselves.
They won’t punish themselves much over shoplifting some candy when they were little.
They might punish themselves more if they caused a family to break up, then dumped the woman three weeks later for some other woman, then dumped her for someone else.
They might punish themselves when they see what kind of hell they put that little kid through they touched, or their own child whom they beat.
Who knows.
If you’re not hurting anyone, you’re not committing a sin.
I know this.
You should relax.
Most ideas of sin are to protect you from hurting yourself, but you’re a big kid. If you do hurt yourself, God will help you heal.
It would be a lot easier if you would avoid picking up the pipe all together. ๐
There is no fucking spoon.
Sorry for the language. I’m frustrated. I’m only sleeping a couple of hours at a time. Enough for one dream. Oh, I know, that’s impossible, the sleep cycle doesn’t work that way. Doctors know all.

Doctors have good ideas, but they don’t know all. Trust me. They don’t. Doctors are some of the most dense, unimaginative people on the planet in my experience. They’ve done some great things in spite of their ignorance. ๐
I won’t accept that I’m crazy for knowing what I know. I might accept that I’m crazy for saying anything. Trust me, I just write what comes out. It’s not possible for me to understand the plan and any thinking I add into the mix is just going to screw things up.
Quit thinking, Meat!!
I love you.
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