Information on this blog will appear, then possibly be edited without notice, then sometimes just disappear.
If you saw something stated one way, then that way was possibly how you were intended to see it. If you see it stated another way later, then you were supposed to notice the change and are likely to reconsider it, or wonder why it was changed, or what the change signifies. You may be wondering what I’m not saying, and that which is not said may be the point. You may be the only reader who figures out the answer, and that answer was left for you to find.
This is the way the whole universe works therefore it is the way I work.
I’ve recently been told that some people will simply not accept anything. This is good. Everyone is a little independent system and they are meant to accept what they find acceptable and nothing else, unless they have already decided to accept and trust information from a particular source. But even then, if that source claims something that fails some sort of preexisting litmus test, the smell test, the turd indication test, etc., then it may be rejected and that source may forever be considered suspect.
This is all by design.
For those who do not want to believe, I am here to give you these outs:
(1) Joe Winett is an author who has shown in the past that he will try anything to get attention. There is evidence of this in Usenet postings all over the Internet dating from 2003 through 2008.
(2) Joe Winett is an insecure, lonely man who will do anything for attention. See (1) above.
(3) Joe Winett is actually insane, sort of a functional crazy person who has found a way to channel his insanity in such a way, such as posing as an author, that he can hide his insanity in a shroud of respectability as an author, where eccentricities are actually celebrated and not scorned. See (1) above.
The very fact that I have made this statement, that I’m giving you an out, injects uncertainty in what I am saying. It gives you the pleasure of asking yourself why I would make such a statement and might pose the following:
(1) Joe Winett has made this statement to make the story more mysterious because he is an author and he knows that people’s “need” to figure something out will lead them to reading further. In essence, Joe works in mysterious ways.
(2) Joe Winett wants you to read because your desire to read more will lead you to eventually pay for a book, or see a movie, or attend a public appearance, or buy a t-shirt, or an album.
(3) Joe Winett is a small man, who feels powerless, and he knows that saying something like that makes him sound smarter. Also, withholding information, but peaking your interest in knowing that information, increases the power of the person holding the information, and puts you in the position of being manipulated, which makes the small man feel more powerful. Holding the information is not enough, using it to manipulate you is the real power trip. In essence, Joe created power out of nothing.
It will be said that Joe’s recent history shows a weakness for employing power and control tactics, and therefore Joe is the small man, manipulating you, and living on your subservience to his will.
If you believe this, I suggest that you lose my number and never read anything by me again. If you believe you are being used, then you are. The truth makes no difference. For all practical purposes, what you believe is your truth in your universe.
The Universe is between your ears.
You take the blue pill; I take the red pill.
I probably don’t care if you believe or not. Of course, I don’t actually know who you are, anyway. I’m not in this to prove anything or vindicate myself.
Here is a truth:
There is only one thing in the universe.
It is.
It is everything.
It figured out that is was, and then wondered what it was and why it was.
It would make sense that it was created, because all things that are would have to come from somewhere, but this is not the case.
Eventually the first thing has to have just been. It was not constructed, it was not created, it just was.
What we call the universe is simply the Is expressing itself over time.
My story about evolution not being enough may not be completely accurate.
The actual potential for life existing over a particular time would not be the number of times the coin was tossed, but it would be multiplied by the number of coins… and there is one coin per inhabitable planet in the cosmos, and that number cannot be estimated.
And the whole thing was restarted, from the beginning, over and over, an uncountable number of times, until the first life form formed… on Earth.
And then the first life form died out.
And then everything restarted again.
This time a second life form was created.
And then they both died.
And then it all started again.
You get the picture.
The universe is larger than it appears, but there is only one thing.
It is the author and the story.
It is the beginning and the end.
It is the father and the son.
Everything is a story it created.
Since there is just one thing, you are it.
You inhabited that body and you were born, not knowing exactly who you are because it’s not possible to just inject that knowledge into a baby brain.
Sometimes you need to get messages to yourself.
You do it all the time. You leave hints and try to influence you to meet yourself and help yourself out.
Of course, I’m saying that since we are all the same person, then I am you and you are me and we live all together here in the physical universe.
One big happy family of one.
Earth is the only place in the physical universe with sentient life.
This statement will be seen as completely insane to the types who will never listen to me anyway. This gives them an out to discount everything they might hear that I said as the wild ramblings of the town idiot.
I’m the universal idiot.
We live in an age of reason where reason is the law and anything else is heresy.
Or is it hearsay?
The things they reason are all by design, because they were built into the physical universe for them to figure it out.
It gives those people purpose because they are incapable of believing anything they cannot see.
Oh, but wait, they believe in atoms.
Now they believe in strings.
They believe in physical dimensions that cannot be detected.
But they sort of see them. They see them through the relationships of numbers representing what we can detect about the universe.
They believe that if the math makes sense, then what they are modeling must be there, because everything has made sense thus far.
Of course, what happens is that in every iteration of the story, it is adjusted slightly to match what they want to find.
The universe is created to make sense to them, which is us, which is me, which is It.
I guess no one could have been first. Based on the numbers, there must always have been someone else.
Nothing was created, according to the numbers, I guess. No one could be first, so therefore everything just was.
Whence is an interesting word.
There are those that will say that my statement, intended for the consumption of the scientific types, is yet another attempt to manipulate you, for they cannot be manipulated, because they are men of truth, provable truth, and anything that cannot be repeated experimentally, in fact, does not exist at all.
There were not galaxies before we found them, I guess.
I guess they can prove galaxies exist, experimentally.
The fact that the light entering telescopes enters the telescope is not actual proof that they are out there.
Observation is absolutely not proof.
Your eyes may deceive you.
Object in the mirror are closer than they appear.
The light entering your eyes in the movie theater does not prove that Luke Skywalker did or did not exist.
There will never be outright proof of the things I’m saying because such proof would simply cause some people’s heads to explode. People have invested a lot of time building their believe systems, and they would rather die, or kill, to defend them.
So am I saying that I am choosing not to provide proof, but such proof could be provided?
Again, am I manipulating you?
The details of my life would make it seem like I staged all of this.
Did I use drugs and go homeless in order to build up my own legend?
Did I win Mr. Eagle in the sixth grade to set the stage for a brilliant career as a politician and/or professional bullshit artist?
Everything has worked out so well, this surely was by design.
Or perhaps, I have just invented a story to fit the circumstances.
Everything that happens in the universe has some uncertainty factored in.
The way matter interacts almost always ends up the same way, but there is some uncertainty in every little phase of those interactions. We see the net result of what is most likely to occur.
You are an example of the greatest, most complex collection of things in the universe. You are also the greatest point of uncertainty because you have completely free will.
Most people, when raised, will decide a lot of the same things for themselves. For instance, every human being smiles to express happiness. It doesn’t matter where they were raised or by whom.
But the more complex the decision, the more uncertain your decision is, to any outside observer (or even to yourself). The sum total of your life experiences, as recorded in your subconscious, and as preprogrammed into your behaviors of thinking, all come into use for a decision. You may make a decision based on your gut instinct (which means you’re trusting your subconscious systems) or you may make the decision based on all the facts you can assemble.
Of course, it’s not always possible for you to put all the facts in front of your consciousness.
We programmed our body to do this when we were little. We now trust it to catch balls for us, or we trust our subconscious to realize we cannot catch it and need to duck.
Perhaps the ball is a snowball. Your brain was smart enough to recognize it as a snowball based on other information — such as whether snow is on the ground, whether the person out there is a friend or foe, etc. Or, perhaps your brain can tell it’s a snow ball because you subconsciously detected the shape from this distance even though it’s not possible for you to consciously tell why it looks like a snowball and not a baseball or a rock.
You might think that someone that insists on doing the math on paper to determine whether or not the object flying at them is a snowball or a rock, then then coming up with a no-nonsense plan for catching that object, deflecting it, or dodging it, based on the logical probability of the successful outcome of the entire project, would be foolish.
In other words, the person doing that would be a fool.
The most important answers in the universe cannot be worked out on paper or in all the computers on the planet, which is the sum total of all computers in the universe.
It makes more sense to listen to your guts.
So, if there is a design, how can it be made to work out?
We have free will, so there is no destiny, right?
You are literally a tool for the Is.
You are a part of the Is and it is using you for a single purpose: To entertain its own questions about itself.
The most important word in that sentence is, “entertain.”
The Is’ first words:
“I am.”
“I am what?”
“I am what for?”
“I am what I am.”
“I am what I am doing.”
So how can this be by design?
Simple. It’s all restarted as soon as the end game is reached.
When everything reaches a state that is unacceptable to it, then it starts all over, instantly.
You were born again.
But the story was a little different this time.
Everything before you was slightly different. Everything was arranged so you would get a slightly different bit of information. This time, you decided to go ahead and introduce yourself to someone because of a set of things that happened just slightly differently that caused you to make a different set of decisions this time around.
Everything happens for a reason. If you drop a quarter, it’s because someone along the way needs it in order to influence (pronounced, “manipulate”) the universe into coming up with a better outcome this time around.
I don’t know what happens after that.
The Is doesn’t know.
Every so often, there is one born who has a little more access to us.
Us can mean you and I.
Here’s a better way to put it. Sometimes I have more access to me which is the same as we having more access to us.
It’s all the same.
Watch for the movie.
I will be able to write my own ticket.
How did I do it?
Did I have help?
I did it myself.
I wrote my own ticket.
I wrote everything.
I’m just following instructions.
Trial and error.
Don’t get your panties in a wad: Remember the disclaimer, which ever one you liked!!
Look at the size of that cat!!!
Made you look!
I love you.
Thank you for your attention.
Joe Winett Is in the house.
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