So sorry, there was no picture, so that last post had to be removed. 🙂
The truth is interwoven into stories written and told and shown.
It’s more fun to find the truth than to read a manual anyway.
Besides, if you were given a set of personal instructions (literally, turn here, do this, say hello to that guy) then you would have something to deny, screw up, etc. The list of things is so long and would seem so unlikely to produce the right outcome that you probably wouldn’t do it. Also, sometimes we’re required to bite the bullet and take a hit for the overall plan. No one wants to know they’re supposed to go through a rough patch…
So, smile! I love you.
Ok, well, one thing. When you need something important to do, it’s best find it yourself. If you need to be different, then be different. No one (not even God) can waive a magic wand and make you different. Being different starts with deciding to be and then becoming.
Do I think there’s a special path for me? Sure. Is there a special path for you? I know it.
How can we all be special?
How are all snowflakes different?
You’re asking the wrong guy.
We’re all the same yet all unique. Now that’s special.
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