God Bless George W. Bush, the 43rd President of the United States

It’s no secret that I plan on being elected President of the United States in 2024. You might be surprised and think I’m going out on a limb when you read what I’m about to write.

When the second Gulf war started, I made some Usenet posts along these lines and I was shocked by the reaction I got.
Now, years later, many think we’ve invested too much blood and too much treasure into Iraq. Many companies have made fortunes on the war and some are pointing to that and screaming “imperialism.” W has been made out to be part monster and part idiot.
Oh, so the people of Iraq liked it there and didn’t want any help?
Sure, Iraq really was a pretty modern country compared to others in the Middle East. It was great as long as you didn’t want real freedom and if Saddam wasn’t killing your parents and if Saddam’s kids weren’t raping your bride. For everyone who never came into contact with Saddam and didn’t mind doing what they were told most of the time, it was awesome, an oasis.
It doesn’t matter if Saddam was siphoning off national funds to install solid gold toilets. After all, the people of Iraq chose him as their leader by their silence. Or did they choose him by screaming into their pillows?
God bless George W. Bush for having the balls to invest our blood and our treasure into freeing tens of millions of people.
Sure, it took some wrangling, but Saddam opened the door. All he had to do was allow inspectors… he didn’t have the weapons anyway. He was an idiot — a murderous, lecherous, cruel idiot who idolized Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.
You remember Stalin, don’t you? What are they teaching in schools these days?
You remember that fucker in Germany, don’t you? Surely they’re telling you about him (I don’t want to ever use that bastard’s name again… I’m not going to forget what he did, but I’m not saying his name — he doesn’t deserve it).
Yes, this war has been very expensive. Mothers have lost sons and fathers have lost daughters. There have been many tears. People are missing their limbs. Many have been forever traumatized on both sides.
Unfortunately, freeing a people is more difficult than pulling off a Band-Aide.
But wait!! Freeing people can be easier:
It is within the power of the free people of the United States to free the minds of every living soul by providing global internet access — just low bandwidth stuff — enough for text to start — using a constellation of satellites and portable, possibly wind-up, terminals.
We can drop those suckers into every evil country of the world.
The oppressed people of the world could them communicate with the rest of us. They can tell us how we can help and we can encourage them that freedom is well worth the price.
Please, with all due respect, please, please, please think about these things.
It’s irresponsible, it’s selfish, it’s cowardly, it’s foolish, to hide here in paradise and ignore the plight of the oppressed, no matter what our current economic issues are here at home.
I would gladly give up my comfort to free a few people. I plan on putting the bulk of my future fortune toward that goal.
We can get the Internet to every living human being within a decade. Five decades after that, the world will be free.
Free the people! Free their minds!!
I always cry a little when I remember the Holocaust. My father is a Jew. I’ve known lots of Jewish people. They’re wonderful. When I picture people suffering at the hands of the Nazis it really upsets me. It should upset you, too. Joseph Stalin was probably worse. Saddam wanted to emulate Stalin. There are other leaders out there now looking to the past for their inspiration. Let’s please ruin their day by freeing their people.


2 responses to “God Bless George W. Bush, the 43rd President of the United States”

  1. An awesome image: a pony-tailed nymphet! Thanks for reading, Ketzele.

  2. As a Jew I agree with you. And especially about him who shall remain "unsaid" pure evil.
    Maze Tov on being part Jew. 🙂

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