Today is the last day of the five year period I am going to forever call, “The 5 Years.”
In case you’ve been living on Mars, this is Jupiter:

I still like Jennifer Aniston (because I’m a human male — if you’re male and you don’t like Jennifer Aniston then perhaps you’re not human… get a blood test):

I could really use some of this:

I am determined this year to find a market for these (click on the image!!):

October 24th, 2010: Holy FUCK! 10 months into 2010 and everything sucks SUCKS SUCKS! I’m sick of whining publicly, but for some reason I’m compelled to write something. This is like a logbook from a doomed expedition… things written down so those who follow will know what happened. But why do I care? Who’s going to read this when I’m gone? My kids?!? Maybe they’ll be curious. I wrote something a little earlier today saying that I want to do no harm… Is this blog going to do harm to my kids? #1 would say that it will, but I suspect she doesn’t like the blog because my story differs from her story. Again, holy fuck. I am SO SCREWED. I don’t see a way out except becoming a different person — something which I’m really resistant to doing.
October 30th, 2012: MORE HOLY FUCK! Just 34 months into “The Better Five Years” and everything SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS! (that’s one more suck). Yesterday I killed my phone. Did I become another person late in 2010? No. Did I quit smoking at the end of 2009? No. I quit smoking like at the end of August, 2012. I did smoke a pack of cigarettes last week though. I’m looking around for more. I quit taking DXM… I don’t have any money to buy cigarettes or DXM or chewing gum, but anyway, I quit.
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