I think about more than sex and food.
(Click image for the larger version)
In this image, always worthy of special mention, is Jennifer Aniston.
The image on the computer screen is from Quake 3 by id Software.
The car is a Corvette.
Science fiction is represented by Star Trek with an image of Seven of Nine from Voyager (of course… did you think I was going to put Kirk?!!)
The computer is Dell because Dell was nice enough to provide credit for my company… before it failed… for which the company I guess still owes Dell. Sorry Mr. Dell!!! You’re the official computer manufacturer of The Universe Is Between Your Ears. Since I have like 250 visitors a month, then it should take me about 140 human lifetimes to repay you in kind.
Here are some other images I was showing through Twitter that did that made it sort of look like all I was thinking about was food and sex. (Hence the reason to do the collage above.)
Click on any of these for a bigger show.
Yes, the sources here were just taken from the internet without permission. I don’t mean any disrespect. Your photographic and culinary skills are fantastic.
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