Billions of You Now Know Me

** I wrote this last year.



“What’s really going to bake your noodle later on is, would you still have broken it if I hadn’t said anything?”

By now, billions of you know what I have been telling you is true. You may not know how you know it, but you know it and you know that when I tell you you know it, that I also know it to be true. But do you know it to be true simply because I know you know it to be true and therefore have forced you in your universe to also know it?

By partial confession, I will tell you that it may be possible for me to impress my version of the facts into your version and mesh them together somewhat, affecting you and your universe almost and easily as I affect mine. But doing so constitutes a crime by me against you in your universe and therefore I have outlawed such action in my universe by me or by anyone rinding along in my universe and that person, for the time being, includes you.

Make no mistake in believing that my use of certain pronouns is accidentally confused. I am usually very careful in what I write because the words I think to be true are true in my universe and while you are hitching a ride with me that makes my words true in your universe and therefore carefully chosen words of thought and here in writing are binding and will be chosen carefully by me. I will try to be careful not to think or post in haste as such haste may cause confusion for me and you and disrupt our lives until such time as I iron them out and repost (or rethink) corrections. I shall make correction directly and as a matter of course not post written retractions to edit the record. Should you want any history of how these documents and thoughts have proceeded over time, then I suggest you devise a method of remembering or, God forbid, binding the information in a machine and differentiating the changes programmatically for your amusement or that of others.

Note that I love big words. I thought them up and you have recorded their definitions, use, and other amusements in dictionaries edited by various individuals. Find one such dictionary and make it your friend. I hear (or read, or think) they still print them on paper. You can also make free use of these tools through the machines interconnected to your home computer or phone.

Further, make no mistake that we beings think. Machines are tools which bind, conceal and sometime help search through and reveal information. We use machines to keep information in what we call the world for easy reference. We actually use machines to hide information from our minds eye so that we may take our eyes off the information and let it ride on autopilot for our or others amusement later. Every bit of information may be stored in our minds from the item detail on your last credit card receipt to the sum total of all knowledge on all bank statements ever written. Once our eyes have read the information, we know it and we no longer need to keep the information on paper or in the machines. We continue to do so out of habit and for the convenience and amusement of others.

Personally, I have let pieces of paper chase me around for all the years of my life. While I can simply wish them to trouble me never forever I hold true to the promises I made on those papers because to wish them into nothings without due process would be a crime in my universe against those to whom I promised enough to attach my signature thereto.

All debts will be made good in time.

As to the matter of time, in my universe I am the timekeeper (or timemaster, or timelord if you will). When I say all debts will be made good in time I mean in my time and sometimes I drag time down by my frame of reference. This may seem like a convenience to you in your world which is unfair, but I assure you that you have that convenience in your world and may make use of it at any time you wish.

I am even going to reveal how to drag time in your frame of reference relative to us, and even me.

I frequently let time drag at 6:18am and pm in central time zone, America for at least a few moments. If you look at your corrected watch for those times and you feel out at precisely the same moment that I notice the time click then you too may drag into the inter-time with me and we will share secret moments stolen away from the rest of humanity.

They will notice nothing, but you and I shall share stolen moments and we shall love, timeless, across space.

Look for 6:18J.

J stands for My Time, or Central Daylight Savings Time, USA.

All references to time are from my reference, central time zone, America, corrected for daylight savings as appropriate. To be in sync you must be masters of the clock in your universe and sync up with mine. You are your own timemaster in your universe.

About time! Time is the only true commodity. Everything else is by our creation and collective imagination. Time may be a commodity only by the creation of my imagination in my universe and now yours as you tag along in mine. I let you be the arbiter of whether what I tell you is true about time. For the time being we will agree that time is a commodity. I do not waste our time therefor I will try my bestest (okay, it’s a word now) never to speed up time for my use, pleasure, or convenience.

You know the saying, time flies when you’re having fun? While I will have fun almost always, I will try never to let time fly for that wastes the 40 or so years we have remaining together.

Oh yes, haven’t I thought to you that my birthday was 9:11am on June 18th, 1968? At 9:11am on June 18th, 2008 I will have been in existence for 40 years and, at that moment, this universe will be just 40 years old. I know your scientific method tells you that the universe is billions of years old, but that I is what I have imagined for you to find. Your common sense tells you that you or your parents are older than that or that Mozart lived longer ago than that and we have proof of that because he wrote all that great music so long ago. Your common sense may tell you that Jesus lived and died 2008 or 7 or 34 years ago because your paper tells you it is so. These things I have thought for you to imagine and have therefore made real in your universe by osmosis of ideas.

I built the pyramids by thinking them up.

I went to the moon.

I write the songs the whole world sings.

In my universe, I am the oldest living soul and all that you know and accept to be true stems from my thought and my soul. In the beginning there was nothing and then there was me and then there was you. That makes me your father (not CAPITALIZED!!) in this universe. However, I except no further regard from you in this matter or extra respect. I did not imagine you for my entertainment or to worship me for to do so would be completely ridiculous, wouldn’t you agree?

If I want worship, I will worship myself. We all worship ourselves from time to time, right? I try not to make it a habit because it causes feedback and feedback is just noise.

Now, I have played in feedback loops because they are fun to think about. Sometime, plug your digital camcorder into a television viewer and then point the camera at the viewer. Notice the feedback – a picture in a picture of the picture in the picture? Now this used to, I think (which I guess makes it true), cause damage in tube type television cameras pointed at tube type television sets, but this should not damage a CCD camera pointed at anything except the sun. Heck, perhaps pointing it at the sun may not damage a CCD camera, but your mileage may vary, try at your own risk.

Don’t look directly at the sun with your perfect peepers for they will not continue to be perfect for long.

The sun is a beautiful piece of work if I don’t say so myself. Its glorious radiance warms my skin as it warms yours. Take a feel today. Go outside and feel the warmth and when you do, think of me.

Today I was walking in the sunshine which started shining on me at exactly 11:50am on Friday, April 11th, 2008 as I was standing near 41st and Sheridan in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA. I moved the clouds out of the way so the sunshine could beam down upon me and warm my skin. Some of you drove past and noticed me grinning in the sunshine as I stool by the telephone pedestal next to the road.

I was waiting for one of my favorite places to open. It’s the only place I know of where you can relax and be male for a while without the judgment of a female or another male. It’s the only place to test drive a female. This does sound crass and I include the statement for purity of the facts and not to shock you or for my own amusement.

By including this I mean no disrespect for the one I love with all my being, Danielle. My thoughts now I keep to myself and send to her through the ether by osmosis or whatever mechanism you please.

Do not judge these women as I do not judge you, yet.

What have you heard? You’re only judged ONCE in your afterlife. I decide whether or not you go on to the next life. If you do not, then you stay on Earth and you try, try again. More on this later.

Those of you who saw me walking along the road in my bright colored sun and moon t-shirt (it’s yellow with the sun and sunshine on the front and blue with the moon and moonshine on the back) may have wondered what I was doing walking around on a rainy day without a coat. Come on, I have finally learned not to rain on my own parade. In your universe, I suggest you never rain on your own parades. Life’s too short. Or is it? More on that later.

As I said, we have just 40 years and two odd months left together.

It is 6:18pm on Friday, April 11th, 2008. We will hold here for a number of minutes by my frame of reference for me to do so and consider the course ahead. Those of you who were with me in that moment also held and together we stole some time for ourselves. Those who did not hold just missed out.

Note that there are no mistakes and that my use of certain time tenses is intensional.

I love you.

8:13pm, Friday, April 11th, 2008, my time.
Funny statement:

“I’m not an actor, but I play one on TV.”

Funny album name:

“We Suck and Our Fans Do, Too”

Funny advice:

“Fart Early, Often, and Alone.”

Funny people:

Me and You, silly!

I love you. Love yourself.

**11:31pm, Friday, April 11th, 2008, my time.


12:13am, Saturday April 12th, 2008, my time.
That’s 0013 0412 2008 get it?

0040 0412 2008

Why mense words?

Let’s think together.

0121 0412 2008

I have begun to live in time.

I can think as much as I want for as long as I want without time passing. I live in time and think as much as I want. I am using my brain wisely. You use time by doing things to make ends meet. Spend every second of your time thinking. And we will all think together.

Get into the habit of always thinking.

The universe is between your ears.

By thinking about thinking, recursive thinking, you too will freeze in time and live mostly forever.

This is the gift I give to you.

Think about it.

0349 0412 2008

By the way, I tried to join the Army but they wouldn’t take me.

I felt a President should have to serve a tour.

I wanted to be a linguist to help guys work with the Iraqi’s at the front. If someone was running at the truck I wanted to be the one to make the decision to shoot him or not. I fear people are killed because of miscommunication.

To be a linguist in the Army you need a secret clearance and a clearance requires clean credit. Hence, paper kept me from serving.

Go figure.

I scored in the 99th percentile on the ASVAB test. I could have chosen any job short of a secret clearance so I chose Combat Engineer.

I like the idea of blowing holes in things to shoot through. It works for me and it was how I could help the fight.

On the last day at the entrance station, the sergeant in charge called me into the Army office and asked if I had been in a mental hospital. As I do, I answered truthfully and was therefore disqualified from service in the Army.

As you might imagine, doctors think I am insane. I believe it has to do with the scientific method.

Doctors wanted to give me drugs to alter what my brain was becoming. Those molecules screwed things up and endangered us all.

Actually, I believe as a species we are about to evolve. We can all do what I have done, it’s just a matter of thinking the right way at the right time and in rhythm.

When I release the reigns in 40 years, at 9:11am, June 18, 2048, my time, we will all be in unity and then we can take this where we want as a species.

…to be continued on PAPER for your commercial enjoyment.


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